
Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am so happy to officially share my exciting news with the world.....David and I are going to be parents! I am about 11.5 weeks pregnant and my due date is November 1st, 2009! We are so very excited about this new adventure we are beginning in our lives together, and we are so ready for a new chapter. We found out on March 11th, just after David's 30th Birthday...what a great surprise! I was so happy and shocked, but couldn't believe that the first test was I actually took 3 more over the course of the next two days, and of course they were all positive too! : )

I'll definitely keep everyone posted as we go along...including ultrasound pics and regular updates. I had my 4th ultrasound yesterday and I got to see our little baby move! It was flailing around like a little fish....soo cute! Thank you to everyone for all of the congrats and well-wishes I've received so means so much to me to have an abundance of love and support during this exciting time. : )


Torrey said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! This is WONDERFUL news! I am so happy for the two of you and so excited for your growing little family. Big smiles are happening over here in Amsterdam for you guys.

Sarah D. said...

Wow, congratulations Sarah. My son is getting married June 6...and being a mom still is the best thing to have ever happened to me. Fun blog...will follow!