
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weekend walks....

One of my favorite regular weekend activities is taking long walk/jogs with Zoey in the stroller along Shoreline Drive here in Alameda. We love spending any and all time together as a family, but being outside in the fresh air and the sunshine (or the fog...), tops our list! Outdoor adventures are so much more fun now that that Zoey is so aware of her world (and oh-so curious!), and her vocabulary is growing by the day (she says over 60 words now!). She is so proud of herself when she spots an object that she knows, and enthusiastically exclaims and points, "Plane!", "Flower!", "Tree!", "Dog!", "Duck-Duck!" (for someone reason, she always says it twice), and "Baby!" (basically any other stroller we see gets this label). : )

Saturday was a bit chilly, so we bundled up before heading out - Z got to wear her cute new striped sweater-knit outfit that I love so much. We saw lots of planes and dogs, and yes duck-ducks too, and Zoey even found a pine cone. 18 months is such a fun age!

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