
Friday, November 12, 2010

Our recent adventures

I've been so busy living life this past week that I haven't been keeping up on my blog posts - sorry readers! But here's a little recap of what we've been up to and how I've been spending my time. : )

Going for LOTS of lovely walks with little Z. She absolutely loves being outside, and so do I! It's a win-win, and a great way for me to get exercise.

Enjoying the beautiful Fall colors of Berkeley and the East Bay.

Shopping at Costco and starting to develop our holiday shopping list for Little Z.

Playing with our budding toddler (in her CUTE new winter boots!) - Zoey now crawls like a speed demon on her hands and knees, pulls herself up to standing on EVERYTHING, and cruises all around the house holding onto the furniture. She's SO CLOSE to walking! : )

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