
Monday, January 18, 2010


So with the weather being as crazy and wet as it's been lately here in the Bay Area, I haven't been getting out much. I haven't taken Zoey out that often recently anyhow since she's going through a fussy period and I'd prefer to avoid public meltdowns. But now with these storms the past few days, I truly feel home bound at times! But instead of letting it drive me crazy, I've been trying to entertain myself and Zoey as well as I can - we've been singing songs, playing the Wii, dancing together, playing with our crazy cats, and resting/napping as much as possible. I still can't believe how FAST my maternity leave is flying by - on one hand I am very excited to head back to work in order to have my own identity again, but at the same time I know I'll really miss these special times I've had alone with Zoey to watch her grow and develop.

So as much as I tried to come up with another creative topic for my blog today, I realized since my life is revolving around Zoey and my mommy-hood right now, why not just go with it! So here are some shots of our life lately..... : )

1 comment:

Ami said...


I just have to say your baby is just so beautiful!! the second pic down is just adorable!! :)