I had a dream last night that I was in Australia - how cool is that! I've always wanted to travel "Down Under", as my paternal grandmother was an Aussie and I still have extended family living outside of Sydney.
But unfortunately airfare to Sydney is quite pricey, especially during the peak time of year when we had hoped to fly there (i.e. December - because that is their summer, plus I can easily get time off work during Winter Break). I am going to still keep my eye on travel deals and see is there is anyway we can swing it. Because not only do I have dreams of exploring this amazing place, but I also have a longing to connect to my family and my roots there. :)
I even had a cute stuffed Kangaroo doll when I was little - I think my parents might still have it in Manteca!
I will DEFINITELY go there someday, that I know for sure. :)
oooh, I want to go to Australia too! Though last night I had a dream that I was in Paris. Traveling is definitely on the brain right now... :)
I hope you are enjoying the three day weekend!
and I am constantly dreaming of strolling along the canals in Amsterdam. traveling on the brain indeed. :)
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