Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Our cute little Halloween witch is excited to go Trick-or-Treating for the first time tonight - and so are her mommy & daddy! Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
My Beautiful Girl.....!
SO TRUE! Sometimes we take sharp, unexpected turns in our pre-planned paths, other times we veer off into uncharted territory for a bit to learn and experience something different, or we decide to scrap the original route and just follow our hearts and our intuition, or maybe we even choose to go backwards a bit in order to get ahead. Life (just like success) is rarely, if ever, a smooth paved road from Point A to Point B. The juicy stuff, the FUN, and all the learning are in the journey anyhow!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Joyful Mother Manifesto!
Even on the toughest days, when my patience is tested, when my spirit is down, when I'm TIRED, and even when I'm forced to carry my screaming, tantrumy 2 year-old down to the car like a sack of potatoes when I'm already late for work.....I love my Zoey more than words and I wouldn't trade my life for anything. It's funny how kids are soooo smart - they test us and push us right to the edge.....but then just when you're about to snap, they say something drop-dead cute, or start dancing and making silly faces, or run up to us with open arms and stammer...."Wuv you mama!". Oh Zoey, you keep me on my toes and open my heart more than I ever thought possible. Being a mom is the best thing in the world! : )
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Mental Floss - I love this site!
Happy Friday blog followers. Enjoy your day, and if you're looking for some mental distraction, intellectual entertainment, and/or some random yet stimulating reading material, check out Mental Floss.
They apparently have a print magazine too, but I sick to their online articles and blogs. They also have online quizzes and random trivia questions for all you game enthusiasts out there. Good stuff!
: )
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Rosemarie & Alan's Wedding!
Our fabulous daycare providers Rosemarie & Alan got married on Saturday! Their ceremony was held in St. Joseph's Basilica here in Alameda, and the reception was at the Officers Club on Coast Goard Island. It was a lovely celebration - thank you Rose & Alan for inviting us to share in your memorable festivities!

Monday, October 10, 2011
2nd Birthday FUN!
What a fun-filled, wild day we had yesterday celebrating Z's milestone of turning 2 - I still can't believe the last two years flew by so fast! It was a lovely day filled with family, two of our best-est friends, fun presents, balloons, BBQ hotdogs, lots of laughter, and a Thomas the Train cake which was super yum (thanks Michael!) Although Zoey probably won't remember her 2nd birthday party, at least we'll have some wonderful pictures to capture the day, and David and I will both have these memories in our minds and hearts forever. : ) Happy Birthday Z - we love you!

Saturday, October 8, 2011
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