So about 8 months ago, at the beginning of the year, I decided to stop drinking regular milk...cow's milk that is. After experiencing some stomach-issues related to drinking milk with my morning cereal, and especially after reading
websites like this one, I realized that I wanted to make the switch to an "alternative milk" option.
So I tried various brands of soy milk, and finally found one that I loved - the Trader Joe's Organic Soy Milk from their refrigerator section (thanks Torrey!). The switch was tough at first, I'll admit that, especially for a cereal addict who was so accustomed to the flavor and texture experience of my morning bowl-of-goodness. But after a couple of weeks, I was fully adjusted and loving my soy!
But then I started to hear horror stories about the
"dark hidden dangers" of soy. For example, there is a high amount of estrogen in soy that may be linked to a higher risk of cancer. And it hasn't been studied for that long in the US, so I don't want to take any risks. Additionally, it turns out that the soy industry is just as money hungry and as propaganda-focused as the dairy industry...
So what was a "milk" loving, cereal addict to do??? Well back in June I decided to experiment with my other options - Rice Milk and Almond Milk. What I quickly learned is that rice milk is very high in sugar and carbs, NOT good for someone who is trying to avoid sugar and is prone to easy weight gain. But then I found "unsweetened, light" rice milk, but found that this lacked flavor and left me feeling unsatisfied. Then I experimented with almond milk and LOVED it! And a HUGE positive is that light almond milk has virtually no carbs! But the regular almond milk has a very strong, heavier, nutty flavor that significantly altered the taste of my cereal - not acceptable for me given how much I love my Barbara's Shredded Oat Squares. I was still on the hunt for the right product!
And then it dawned on me - I could mix regular rice milk with light, unsweetened almond milk to create my own personalized "milk perfection"! This allowed me to have a light nutty taste that wasn't overpowering, and still add in a bit of sweetness and a lighter texture from the rice milk to round out the mixture. Delicious! Plus I save lots of calories and carbs - a win-win situation!
What's in YOUR cereal bowl? :)